Green for good.
Red for bad.
Amber somewhere in the middle.
Now we can all cope with that can't we?.
Not to much room taken up on label.
No long complicated explanations,
No confusing Numbers. Just three coloured lights.
What do
others think? |
Perhaps Too Simple
Perhaps confusing
Are three ambers

better than one green one red and one amber?
Or how about two greens and one red?

I could go on, but perhaps not.
So is it simple
I suppose the answer must be
It may also be
Simply misleading
"Whatever helps us
understand our food better must be a good thing"
But will it?
Clearlabelling would just like to point out, that Red/Green colour
blindness is the most common form of colour blindness.
So to a person with impaired colour vision the colours could look like

Very Useful (Not)
So what is the alternative?
Some Food manufacturers are adopting a sort of Pie chart giving the GDA (Guideline
Daily Amount). More accurate certainly, but is it too complicated?
Judge for yourselves

One thing to be said for this example,
which was on a packet of "Sharwoods Mini puppodums". Is that it
is black on white and we like black on white as we can read
it, colour blind or not.
However one thing is certain the argument
about food labelling is sure to go on and on.
