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What's New On The Site


No I am not taking orders

I have received several requests to include the labelling of pharmaceutical products on the site.

"I can not read the instruction on my bottle of pills"

is a common complaint.

Well I agree this is a good cause BUT, I know nothing of the drugs industry, and lots about the food industry.  To several of the requesters, I have suggested that they write something for the site, and I will gladly publish it.  Several have agreed to for so, but so far have not been forthcoming.


If you feel strongly about this issue, then why not write something  put pen to paper (or is it finger to keyboard).



Complaints Slip

I have designed a form to send to manufacturers/suppliers, who  use bad labelling.

 It's a sort of Compliments slip with attitude.

This is a "Word" document. To “open” or “Save”  a copy of the file

   CLICK On Picture


A Good Idea

Last updated 10/05/2013   


The idea of this page is to keep you informed about recent happenings, both on the site and because of the site.



The clearlabelling website has been completely rebuilt, not a great deal has changed, a few updates, a few new pages and some old ones gone.

The reason for the rebuild is that in November 2012 my aging desktop PC decided to give up the ghost. Not with a WHIMPER but with a BANG.

Yes the power supply actually exploded, great big bang lots of smoke and nasty smell.

So of course this meant a new computer, my old machine was running Windows XP now I was faced with the challenge of Windows 8.

Not only did I have to cope with a new operating system, but much of my old software (including FrontPage) would not run under Windows 8.

So this meant replacing and learning how to use new versions and in some cases complete new programs.

For the web site we are now using serif WebPlus V6. A bit of a challenge at first, but I am now getting the hang of it.

So life goes on, as does clearlabelling.


A Good Idea


How about this idea?

Guest Page

This is another idea I am toying with.  A page for a anyone to use, to write something about the problems encounter by people with a visual impairment.  Perhaps offer some tips, solutions to others. Or just to have a good moan.    If interested then Email Us.


A Good Idea



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